Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Smallest size me?

Canada is large, everything large. It's very different from Japan. Food, people, malls, or roads are beyond Japanese size. First of all, Canadian fast food such as pizza, sandwitches, or burgers with drink is bigger than Japanese one. Sometimes I am surprized of its size. I don't need to big one, so I want them to make smaller and cheaper one. Second, there are many malls in Calgary. Shopping is fun for me, but malls are too huge. When I find a good shop, I realize there are many large size clothes (L, XL, XXL, XXXXXXXXL...). Roads are also wide. I am tired to walk long street in Canada.
As reading this essay, you may think I don't like Canada. However, I like big Canada!! Canadians have also big hearts. They are gentle. I think bigness makes big heart. I should get big heart like Canadians. So super size me!


Trevor MacDonald said...


I understand your sentiments. After spending nearly ten years in Japan I, too, am taken aback by the size of everything (among other things). In fact, I am craving one of those mini hamburgers from Freshness Burger right now!

Scott Douglas said...

I remember how small everything was in Japan . . . tiny cups of lemonade from the vending machine. It was like a drink for a doll :-)